From the very start, I have loved and continue to be captivated by the world and all of its beauty. Things just keep making more and more sense. My peripheral vision keeps maturing and widening, and I keep seeing deeper into the busy, ever changing movement of life.
My journey started in the dark room, as for the first time I discovered how to "create an image." I was able to stop that moment in time and space, and be able to examine that image, ponder it, and feel a sense of being able to contribute that moment to the world "as I saw it."
In a world filled with millions, I truly felt that I had seen it uniquely, and took the time to capture it for the world to enjoy. Thirty years later, I continue to do the same. I have discovered not only the ability of capturing the image and stopping time, but as an artist I have the ability to make it different than any other. With the coming of the digital age, I have been given a boundless new frontier in which to express myself.
I had the joy of attending Art Center College of Design, then traveling to Europe where I studied for a semester at L'abri in Switzerland. I was able to capture the beauty of the people and the land, while there, as well as to meet my future wife of now 30 years.
We lived in the Sonoma County Wine Country of California where I photographed weddings for close to 20 years. We then moved to Kauai for ten years where people got married 7 days a week, which was exciting to say the least! It was great fun meeting people from all over the world and capturing memories for them.
We then spent a year in Juneau, Alaska where I was able to truly focus on landscape photography, gaining more experience in that aspect of photography. My wife and I have now happily moved back to Sonoma County, and I am now available as a wedding, family, engagement, high school senior and landscape photographer.
I treasure the chance to be a part of your life for as brief a moment that we have, and capture all that you are within that moment so that it can be cherished for years to come. Although it is great fun and I enjoy it very much, I do take it seriously, as time will never stop or reverse itself.
That knowledge is what defines the work I do, and have that mindset as my life verse for myself and this business.
"Time is Fleeting, so let me Capture the Moment."
Best regards,
Kent Chastain

"Time is Fleeting. Capture the Moment."